
  • Fredrik Sörstad Universidad de Antioquia


The novel A Brief Life, by Juan Carlos Onetti, emerged during the rising of existentialism, which first spread in France and later on to other countries, and it is this context that the current article decided to focus on with the purpose of determining in what sense the stated novel can be defined as existentialist, in particular analyzing the affinity with the ideas of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Camus and Sartre regarding anxiety, absurdity and otherness. Thematic criticism and phenomenological hermeneutics are employed as analytical instruments to examine the existential structure of the protagonist Juan María Brausen. Finally, the conclusion shows that certain similarities can be found between A Brief Life and the thought of the mentioned philosophers, which makes it possible to locate this novel in a specific place within the ideas of existentialism.


Onetti, Existentialism, Anxiety, Absurdity, Otherness


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