Beliefs and attitudes of young rioplatense university students towards the educated varieties of spanish


  • Sofía Gutiérrez Böhmer Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Claudia Borzi Universidad de Buenos Aires


This work explores the linguistic attitudes of 89 speakers of Rioplatense Spanish towards both current Spanish varieties and their own. From a methodological point of view, the study is inserted within the framework of a larger project named Project for the study of beliefs and attitudes towards current Spanish varieties (PRECAVES XXI). Among the results obtained, it highlights the fact that the Rioplatense informants perceive their variety as positive but not consistently. Likewise, positive attitudes towards other varieties prevail, with the exception of Castilian variety, which regularly obtains the lowest evaluations.


linguistic beliefs, linguistic attitudes, varieties of Spanish, PRECAVES XXI, Rioplatense area, Sociolinguistics